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How to set up IRCClient for the first time

Setting up an IRC client is fairly simple. see the docs for IRCClient.connect to see what args are required to connect an IRCClient to an IRCd

import pyrc
import asyncio

client = pyrc.IRCClient()

async def main():

This is a fairly basic program that won't really do anything, but it provides a good starting point for later work!

Sending your first message

We've connected to IRC, but now we wanna send messages, so lets do it!

import asyncio
import pyrc

client = pyrc.IRCClient()

async def main():
    await client.connect("", 6667, "Foo")  # Connect to an IRCd at, port 6667, with username 'Foo'
    chan = await client.join_channel("#spam")  # Join the channel '#spam'
    await chan.send_to("Hello, world!")  # Hello, world!