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Setting up an event

pyrc allows for a wide variety of events to be listened to via callbacks

client = IRCClient()

# Using a decorator
async def on_ready():

# Using the method
async def on_ready():

Events like on_ready will not receive any args, nor should they expect any. Other events (such as PRIVMSG, NOTICE, etc) will receive a Context object describing the event context

Waiting for an event, on-the-fly

Sometimes, you need to wait for an event to occur before processing can continue. To do this, simply use IRCClient.wait_for

Here's an example of a client that sends a CTCP then waits for the NOTICE in response

import asyncio
import pyrc

client = pyrc.IRCClient()

async def main():
    await client.connect(...)
    await client.ctcp("Foo", "VERSION")
    resp = await client.wait_for("on_notice", lambda ctx: ctx.message.startswith("\x01"))
    # \x01 is the char that signifies the beginning/end of a CTCP query, which per spec can be present in a normal PRIVMSG or NOTICE message

Do note that wait_for requires the event to be prefixed with "on_" else it will not work. This will be patched out in later versions